My services are aimed for your personal photo collection (friends, family, pets, vacations, etc.). The flat scanning price fee applies to each physical document you submit to be scanned. *** Shipping not included (will be part of your quote) ***
Printed photo copy up to 8.5" x 11.7
Scanned photo and slides as is - in the condition submitted
35mm - Up to 6 pictures per strip, flat fee per strip
Medium Format 6x22mm - Up to 4 pictures per strip, flat fee per strip
Scanned films as is - in the condition submitted
Should you prefer to submit your pictures still in an album, there is a flat handling fee per album. Photos will be handled with care.
This is an optional fee per picture, offering basic instant improvements such as red-eye removal, basic dust removal and basic lighting improvement.
This is a basic photo retouching service, where instant touches are made to improve the picture - this is not a professional in-depth retouching or restoration service.
Please note that I do not provide photo editing or photo modification services such as Photoshop, Photoroom, Lightroom or other photo editing software.
Bundle and save! All photos, slides or strips get scanned and are slightly improved for basic red-eye removal and basic touch-ups. *** Shipping not included (will be part of your quote) ***
Up to 100 pieces - $5 extra per album handling
Up to 250 pieces - $5 extra per album handling
Up to 500 pieces - $5 extra per album handling
Up to 1000 pieces - $5 extra per album handling
More than 1000 pieces - $5 extra per album handling
Copyright © 2020 Geneviève's Photo Scanning Service - All Rights Reserved. - 802-505-1770